Being A Distance Student: View Of Preservice Teachers In Turkey
Distance Education, Focus Group Interview, Instruction Technologies, Future of Teacher Training, Preservice TeachersAbstract
A hybrid model, supported by technology, is used for teacher training in many countries. Sometimes, this is mandatory, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic or an earthquake and other times it is a conscious choice. This study examines the opinions of preservice teachers on their experiences with distance education. The research is a qualitative case study, and the data collection is through a focus group interview, which was evaluated using content analysis. The findings reveal that the experiences during the courses and the attitude of the instructors affect the perception and satisfaction of the participants. The participants evaluated the opportunities offered by their universities as positive efforts but emphasized that being able to benefit from such opportunities is a personal situation. The participants’ study skills, self-discipline, technological equipment, internet access, and environment to study made them either advantageous or disadvantageous in distance education.
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