A Thought Experiment On Gravity Based On Falling Objects: Investigation Of Science Teachers’ Thinking Process





Gravity Based on Falling Objects, Physics Education, Thought Experiment


This study aims to analyse the thought processes of science teachers who are master students in scientific education using a thought experiment on gravity based on falling objects. The phenomenological study approach, one of the qualitative research methodologies, was used to achieve this aim. Purposive sampling was used to investigate eight science teachers continuing their master’s degrees. Data was collected through interviews and a thought experiment on gravity based on falling objects. The teachers participated in Face-to-face problem-solving sessions, thinking aloud and backward questioning sessions. Results reveal that the teachers mostly showed secondary effects as establishing a new amount of relationship, carrying out thought experiments to predict, and preferring scientific concepts and hypothetical simulations as sources of thinking. Likewise, spatial reasoning-symmetry-compound simulation and experience were equally and less frequently preferred. Results also show that science teachers had strong self-efficacy judgments, a mastery of the curriculum, an unpleasant attitude when dealing with difficulties, and hypothetical thinking skills.


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How to Cite

Uyar, F. K., & Karamustafaoglu, O. (2023). A Thought Experiment On Gravity Based On Falling Objects: Investigation Of Science Teachers’ Thinking Process. MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends and Practices, 13(2), 404–423. https://doi.org/10.52634/mier/2023/v13/i2/2456


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