Teaching Sight-Words to Enhance Word Recognition and Reading Fluency of Students with Specific Learning Disabilities at the Primary Level





Reading Fluency, Specific Learning Disability, Word Recognition, Sight-Words


The students with specific learning disabilities receiving tailored instructions became non-readers and developed frustration during the closure due to COVID-19. The present research aims to investigate the reasons and provide intervention solutions to improve their word recognition and reading fluency. Seven students from grade three participated in the study. The participants were assessed by presenting grade-level stories from their textbooks. The time taken by them to read the story was recorded. The errors made by them were recognised, graded, and analysed. Analysis reveals that while teaching reading, the practice of sight-words and high-frequency word recognition is a major concern. The researchers prepared an intervention program using Dolch sight-words, with a list of high-frequency words with multiple rounds of instruction and practice for a period of four weeks. The results reveal that the intervention program improved word recognition ability and fluency skill. The number of errors made by students decreased, and the time required to complete the story improved. Results indicate that training in sight-words enabled students to generalise the relationship between sounds and letters and apply it to the new word while reading.


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How to Cite

Bibi, A., & Pujari, J. (2023). Teaching Sight-Words to Enhance Word Recognition and Reading Fluency of Students with Specific Learning Disabilities at the Primary Level. MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends and Practices, 13(2), 336–355. https://doi.org/10.52634/mier/2023/v13/i2/2444


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